Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bountiful Harvest

So we are attempting the garden again this year. Last year was well - a flop. But this year has already been great. We've had tomatoes, onions, strawberries, blueberries, and herbs to enjoy so far. We have 2 more tomato plants that are full of green tomatoes. Our cherry tomato plant has tons on it. The cantaloupe already has 3 little melons on it. The zucchini are growing. The strawberries have been great and really easy. We only got a few blueberries, but they were amazing.

Plus the thing I'm probably most excited about is the rotting mass out my back door. That's right we are composting in a trash can made composter. I didn't think it was really working, but then I went to turn it with a shovel, and low and behold - there is black gold in that stuff. I can't believe it actually worked and so quickly. I can't wait to see if I really does improve our garden production. Of course, first I have to figure out how to sift out the compost from the rotting kitchen waste. Ooh gross!

Here is our composter. We just roll it every once in a while.

The new thing for the kids is to find stink bugs and tell Mommy and Daddy to squish them. They are all over our garden. I haven't seen much damage yet, but we are trying to kill as many as we see. Who knew gardening was so gross.

We are so excited about our garden this year. It has really done well. We love checking over it each day. Those folks over at the Galveston County Ag Extension really know what they are doing. Our gardening experience has been so improved this year from last year by following their advice. I can't wait to see what the fall will be like. We get to try out a whole new set of veggies. Lots of fun when it actually works. Ha!

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